May 27-28, 2006 - 22nd PSHS Reunion
Embassy Suites Hotel, Burlingame CA
(Click on thumbnail images to view full-size)
Philippine Scouts Heritage Society
PSHS Reunions
Col. Ed Ramsey between Alice Benitez from Vancouver and Aurora Soriano Cudal from San Diego. (Then from L to R) Dr. Isabelo Torio from the 26th Cavalry Regt.(PS); Maj. Fred Foz from the 57th Inf. Regt.(PS); Capt. Menandro Parazon from the 26th Cavalry Regt.
Speaker Malcolm Decker, author of ON A MOUNTAINSIDE. Others in photo (L to R) Col. Ed Ramsey, Chairman of the Panel, Maj. Fred Foz, President of PSHS in '06; Chris Schaefer, CWO 4 Aniceto Bagley of the 26th Cavalry Regt. (PS).
Speaker Chris Schaefer, author of BATAAN DIARY, with Col. Ed Ramsey
Jacquie Lingad-Ricci, daughter of former Gov. of Pampanga & Sec. of Labor for Pres. Diosdado Macapagal, Col. Jose Lingad |
Ed autographing books for Jacquie Lingad-Ricci with her son Giovanni & Raque |
Jacqui Lingad-Ricci holding Ed's book with husband, John Ricci standing behind Ed & Raquel on May 28th, 2005 during reunion |
Photo sent by Rudy Cabigas of us during the 2009 PSHS Reunion in Long Beach |
Philippine Scouts Heritage Society Reunion - 1989 |
Philippine Scouts with Ramsey third from left |
Philippine Scouts without Ramsey |
PSHS Panel discussion re WWII |
Tejada, Felipe Fernandez and Ed Reminiscing |
Filipino Dance Troupe at Reunion |
PSHS - 30th Reunion, May 2014
PSHS 30th Reunion Program
In Memoriam Page
PSHS - 31st Reunion, April 2015
Raqui writes, "I am pinning a U.S. Flag on a white wreath and saying "In memory of my husband, Col. Edwin P. Ramsey, 26th Cavalry PS" on Friday, April 24, 2015, during the Philippine Scouts Heritage Society 31st reunion at the Queen Mary in Long Beach, CA.
Photo taken during the Philippine Scouts Heritage Society Banquet in the Brittania Salon of the Queen Mary April 25, 2015..Seated: Macaria Ochoa, Dan Figuracion ( 26th Cav. PS), his wife Ely Figuracion, Raqui Ramsey, Mrs. Arzaga Standing: Sean Conejos and Philippine Scouts
Raqui with Michael J. Moore (AKA President Franklin Delano Roosevelt) as she was autographing Ed's book for him
Raqui with the 26th Cavalry Memorial Mounted Unit PS and Robert Tidwell (AKA Gen Douglas MacArthur) beside her
BG Oscar Hilman beside Raqui and his wife, Patty at other end with the Cabigas family in 1940's attire
Raqui's table with the Cabigas family and Ruth Moscoso
PSHS - 33rd Reunion, Jun 30 - July 1, 2017 - Hilton Bayfront, San Francisco
Giving the Winning sign like President Fidel V. Ramos are L To R: Lilly Kittridge, National Treasurer, Joe Arzaga, Jay Wertz, Rudy Cabigas, Raqui, Cecilia Gaerlan, Bataan legacy Foundation, Gil Mislang, Nininger Chapter and Victor Verano, National Secretary
Officers and Members of the PSHS at the reunion on July 1st at the Hilton Bayfront in San Francisco. Gen Hilman at exterme right in uniform.
Cecilia Gaerlan and me with the Nininger Chapter Officers and Members
Frank Francone, a Veteran with Raqui, Alice Benitez and Doug Ramsey in front.
Philippine Scouts, Macaria Ochoa, Raqui and Officers of the Society and CMU Troopers
The Likha Filipino Dance Troupe and Alice Benitez and Raqui
Doug Ramsey with Alice Benitez, Raqui and Jesse Tiamson, Filipino vocal artist
LTG Edward Soriano, Keynote speaker greets Raqui as he meets all veterans and widows
Alice Benitez, Raqui, Gen Oscar Hilman and Cely yim with Mom, Macaria Ochoa and
Doug Ramsey at the Dinner
Gen Oscar Hilman, President and Raqui at the banquet of the PSHS
Photo of Raqui, taken during the Remembrance portion of the program. (Thank you, Alice!)
BG Oscar Hilman and Raqui at the leadership sessions
Alice Benitez and Doug Ramsey join Raqui at Victor Verano's batteflield presentation before the screening of "Never Surrender"
Roll-call and muster of the Philippine Scouts
PSHS - 29th Reunion, April 2013
La Quinta Inn, Tacoma WA
David Tejada, Feile Fernandez and Ed Ramsey
May 8-9, 2009 - 25th PSHS Reunion
Long Beach, CA